The Physics Department of IPB University Holds Quicky Macky Physics, Smart Physics for High School Students


The Physics Department of IPB University Holds Quicky Macky Physics, Smart Physics for High School Students


The Physics Department of IPB University Holds Quicky Macky Physics, Smart Physics for High School Students

Physics Expo 2022

[15th September 2022] Physics Quicky Macky is part of the 2022 Physics Expo series organized by the Physics Student Association (Himafi) and the Physics Department of IPB University. This activity aims to measure the competence of high school/vocational equivalent students in the field of physics and to introduce the Department of Physics to high schools in the Jabodetabek area.

There were 12 teams from 8 schools that participated in this activity. Namely SMAN 4 Tangerang Regency, SMA Bintang Pelajar Islamic Boarding School, SMA PGRI 4 Bogor City, MA Daar El Qolam 2, MA Sahid, SMAIT Al Kahfi and SMAN 1 Bojonggede. Each team consists of three members who are accompanied by an assistant teacher.

Head of the Physics Department, Prof. Tony Ibnu Sumaryada in his explanation said the questions given in this competition were closely related to the understanding of basic physics at the high school level. The difficulty level of the questions is also adjusted.

“The speed and accuracy of answering greatly affect the value or score of the questions given. In the grand final, SMAIT Al-Kahfi came out as 1st place and MA Sahid Team 3, Team 2 and Team 1 respectively as 2nd, 3rd, and 1st place winners. As an appreciation, each winner was given a trophy, certificate of appreciation and coaching money with nominal according to the winner obtained, “he said.
According to one of the winners, the competition this time was very exciting. He was very happy to be able to take part in the offline competition again after a long absence due to the pandemic.
“Thank you for holding the competition offline and it was very well organized,” he concluded. (**/Zul) (IAAS/STR)

This news was originally published in IPB Today

The Physics Department of IPB University Holds Quicky Macky Physics, Smart Physics for High School Students | IPB University