Applied Physics Division

Applied Physics Division

The Applied Physics Division is mandated to apply concepts and methods of physics in the development of materials and measurement systems. The scope of research carried out includes Development of Natural Material-Based Bio composites, Development of Sensor Materials based on Ferroelectric and Semiconductor Materials, Development of Biomass Alternative Energy , and Development of Instrumentation and Control Systems.

The Applied Division has collaborated with various partners. Partners from universities such as the University of Indonesia, Bandung Institute of Technology, Sebelas Maret State University, and Jambi University. Government partners, namely BRIN, and private partners including PT. IMM (Intertisi Material Maju), PT. MUB Bogor and PT. Tesena.

Our research results have been published in several journals such as Bioresource Journal, Biointerface Journal, materials, Polymers, Bioinspiration & Biomimetics, etc Several research results have won awards including “113 Indonesian Innovations in 2021” with the title Engineering Technology for Silicon Dioxide Process from Rice Straw and Improving the Thermal Characteristics of low grade Coal Using the Dry Oil Coating Method.  Another award is the Bogor Regency Regional Innovation Title Award in 2020, the management of empty oil palm fruit bunches is verified to improve the economy of Wirajaya Village, Jasinga District.