Professor of IPB University Develops a Physical Model That Can Destroy SARS-Cov-2


Professor of IPB University Develops a Physical Model That Can Destroy SARS-Cov-2


Professor of IPB University Develops a Physical Model That Can Destroy SARS-Cov-2

Professor of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) of IPB University, Prof. R. Tony Ibnu Sumaryada Wijaya Puspita, developed a physics model capable of destroying the SARS-Cov-2 virus. This was revealed in the Press Conference of the Scientific Pre-Oration for the Appointment of Professor Tony, (24/3), with the material entitled Theoretical and Computational Physics Approaches in Mesoscopic Systems to Support Research in Health and Energy.
In his presentation, Prof. Tony revealed that physics is a basic science to understand phenomena in the universe. Physical studies at the mesoscopic scale can provide new insights and views that can be applied to various research fields such as health and energy.
Regarding COVID-19, he added, research on molecular anchoring simulations of various popular herbal compounds was carried out and was able to reveal the potential efficacy of these herbs.
“With the molecular anchoring method, we can test the potency of herbal compounds. For example, the potential of green tea active compounds as anti-obesity agents. We are also evaluating the potency of herbs related to COVID-19 therapy. Our research was carried out at the beginning of the lockdown,” he said.
He explained that the herbs tested were herbs that were popularly sold in Indonesia, such as Black Seed, turmeric, honey and so on.
“As a result, we found that the mangosteen peel has potential compared to turmeric or honey, although the value is not much different,” he explained.
Other research related to COVID-19, he added, was a simulation of the binding of graphene oxide molecules to the SARS-Cov-2 spike-glycoprotein. The simulation results show the ability of a thin layer of graphene oxide on a surface to absorb and bind the spike-glycoprotein SARS-Cov-2.
“We attach drug molecules or herbal compounds to enzymes in certain diseases. I tried different things. I tried to tether graphene oxide to the spike-glycoprotein SARS-Cov-2 computationally using an existing simulation package. It turns out that it can stick and is very strong on the active side of the spike-glycoprotein (the crown of the virus),” he explained.
According to him, graphene oxide can be a coating on an object or medical device. So that the virus that has attached to the graphene oxide can then be destroyed through physical mechanisms (heating or irradiation).
“Physical models related to the thermal destruction of the virus have also been built and published,” he explained.
He continued that the development of biomedical instrument designs related to COVID-19 will continue to be carried out.
“For example, we also filed a patent for a smart inhaler based on graphene oxide. We also continue to improve the mathematical model for the destruction of viruses attached to the surface of graphene oxide. We will also replace graphene oxide with other carbon nanostructures such as carbon dots or fullerenes. Fullerenes C60 is a soccer ball-shaped carbon structure and can be thought of as quantum dots.” (Zul) (IAAS/GHN)

This news is previously published in IPB Today

Professor of IPB University Develops a Physical Model That Can Destroy SARS-Cov-2 | IPB University