Physics Department, FMIPA IPB Team Shares Insights on Scientific Method at SMPN 1 Bogor
Physics Department, FMIPA IPB Team Shares Insights on Scientific Method at SMPN 1 Bogor
On Friday, 17 January 2024, the Department of Physics visited SMP Negeri 1 Bogor for a sharing event entitled “Introduction to the Essence of Researching and Scientific Method.” This activity is part of a collaboration series between FMIPA IPB and SMP Negeri 1 Bogor, also supported by the Indonesian Academy of Sciences (ALMI). This event was hosted by Dr. Yessie Widya Sari, S.Si., M.Si., and accompanied by Annisa Tsalsabila, S.Si., M.Si., Annisa Nur Azahra, Raihan M Akmal, and Rohul RM Hartman as practicum assistants. A total of 25 students from SMP Negeri 1 Bogor who attended seemed enthusiastic to learn about scientific methodology.
The event was opened by Mrs. Nilla Puspita, S.Si who is a teacher at SMP Negeri 1 Bogor, followed by a presentation on scientific research methods by Dr. Yessie Widya Sari, an associate professor at the Department of Physics, IPB University and elected member of ALMI. In her presentation, Dr. Yessie introduced the importance of research and the stages in research activities, starting from observation, hypothesis formulation, hypothesis testing, and data processing to dissemination of research results. She also shared some examples of research that had been done before to give an accurate picture to the students.
The activity continued with a simple experiment regarding the osmosis process in chicken eggs without shells. The experiment was carried out by soaking eggs in sugar solutions with different concentrations. This experiment aims to introduce research steps to students which include observation, hypothesis generation, data collection, data processing, and drawing conclusions. After conducting the experiment, each group of students presented the conclusions of their “little research.”
The event closed with closing remarks by Dr. Yessie and SMP Negeri 1 Bogor teachers, who expressed appreciation to the students for their enthusiasm about the scientific method and the activity when doing the experiment. The principal of SMP Negeri 1 Bogor, Estiza Septina, M.Pd hopes that there will be continued collaboration between FMIPA IPB and SMP Negeri 1 Bogor in the future.