IPB University Physics Department Team Visits SMPN 1 Cigombong to Provide Teacher Training


IPB University Physics Department Team Visits SMPN 1 Cigombong to Provide Teacher Training


IPB University Physics Department Team Visits SMPN 1 Cigombong to Provide Teacher Training

[6 August 2022] The group of IPB University lecturers, chaired by Prof. Tony Sumaryada, was present at SMPN 1 Cigombong, Bogor Regency in the context of community service. This activity is in the form of training on Teacher Competency Improvement in the Use of SMP Science Kits. This training is a collaboration of the Bogor Regency Natural Sciences Subject Teachers’ Consultation (MGMP) and the Physics Department of IPB University. The training is aimed at science teachers at the junior high school (SMP) level who want to enrich their knowledge, especially about practicum.

The team, chaired by Prof. Tony, consisted of Rima Fitria Adiati, MT, Firmansyah, SSi and several basic physics practicum assistants from the Directorate of General Competency Education of IPB University.

Prof. Tony explained, on this occasion, an introduction was given about electric and magnetic practicum kits as well as heat and hydrostatics kits. In addition to theory, he said, the main activity carried out in this training was joint practicum. In the joint practicum, the teachers are invited to learn what equipment is in the practicum kit and conduct experiments according to the procedure.

Prof. Tony Sumaryada revealed that teacher competency training is a form of dedication for IPB University lecturers. He said the service activity was an effort by his party to contribute to the fourth Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), namely quality education. “Science education is important in technological development. If students can enjoy learning science, with fun practicum. Of course it can bring progress forward,” he said.

The head of the Bogor Regency IPA MGMP, Bakan Kasmanto, S.Pd explained that this activity was very useful and very interesting. “We were able to unbox the SMP science practicum tools. The proof, there are still many kits that are plasticized. Thank you to IPB for this activity,” he said.

He continued, during the pandemic, practicum activities carried out online had an impact on the lack of use of practicum kits in school laboratories. With this activity, it is hoped that learning activities in the laboratory will be active again with teachers who are more competent and understand the use of tools optimally. (*) IAAS/STR

This news is previously published in IPB Today

IPB University Physics Department Team Visits SMPN 1 Cigombong to Provide Teacher Training | IPB University