IPB Conducts Clinical Test of Non-Invasive Hb Measurement Device
IPB Conducts Clinical Test of Non-Invasive Hb Measurement Device
Bogor, January 24, 2025 – Researchers from IPB University IPB continue to innovate in the health sector. One of their latest innovations is a non-invasive hemoglobin (Hb) measurement device. To measure the validity of this tool, the research team conducted a clinical trial on Friday, January 24, 2025, at the IPB Dramaga Polyclinic.
This clinical trial involved 120 respondents from the community around IPB with age range of 18-60 years. The respondents underwent blood sampling through the venipuncture method. These blood samples were then measured for Hb levels using a standard method. After that, blood Hb was measured with a non-invasive tool through the fingers. This clinical trial was conducted under the supervision of the Indonesian Health Facility Safety Center (BPFK).
Prof. Irzaman as the lead researcher explained, “The main objective of this clinical trial is to compare the results of Hb measurement using non-invasive tools against gold standard measurements or venipuncture. Thus, we can determine the validity of the non-invasive Hb measurement device.” The Physics Department professor added that today’s clinical trial is not the first time. Previously, many clinical tests have been conducted with various objectives, ranging from data collection for machine learning models, tool performance tests, microtests, to validity tests conducted on December 27, 2024 and January 24, 2025. The test on December 27 was attended by IPB Rector, Prof. Dr. Arif Satria.

The non-invasive Hb measurement tool developed by the IPB research team has enormous potential to change the way we check Hb levels. This tool is expected to provide results that are fast, accurate, and painless to the patient. In addition, this tool can also be used for health screening in various places, not only in health facilities.
Dr. Naufal M Nurdin as the person in charge of medical added, “This activity is a collaboration of various sciences and institutions. The manufacture of a medical device, such as this non-invasive blood Hb measurement device, must be supported by educational institutions, research, to industry and health service institutions such as IPB polyclinics. With adequate cooperation, all challenges can be overcome.” He added, “This clinical trial shows that IPB polyclinics can perform more functions than first-level health facilities. BPFK was also impressed with the readiness of the research team, including the IPB clinic facilities and the respondents who were quite cooperative so BPFK recommended the development of the IPB polyclinic as a medical device validity test center.”
It is hoped that the clinical trial result will show that this non-invasive Hb measurement tool has high accuracy so that this tool can obtain a marketing license to be mass-produced and widely used in various health facilities. (rfa)