Improving Science Literacy of High School Students, Physics Department of IPB University Holds Physics Class & Expo


Improving Science Literacy of High School Students, Physics Department of IPB University Holds Physics Class & Expo


Improving Science Literacy of High School Students, Physics Department of IPB University Holds Physics Class & Expo

[4th September 2022] A total of 125 students from MA Sahid, SMAN 1 Rancabungur, SMAN 4 Tangerang, SMA 4 PGRI Bogor, SMA Kornita and SMA Bintang Pelajar Islamic Boarding School did a simple practicum in the laboratory of the Physics Department of IPB University. This activity was held to coincide with the Physics Class & Expo event (4/9) as a result of the collaboration between the Physics Department and the Physics Student Association (Himafi).

This activity aims to introduce the Physics Department of IPB University to students and improve the scientific literacy of high school students through simple practicum activities. Physics class is a teaching and learning activity with a simple practicum system guided by Physics lecturers, Dr. Hendradi Hardhienata and Dr. Sitti Yani.

In this activity, students get material related to high school physics material. After that, students do practicum accompanied by a practicum assistant. This practicum assistant helps in explaining brief theories, phenomena that occur in the surrounding environment and physical quantities that can be obtained and analyzed.

“Students get material on mathematical pendulum oscillations and standing waves on a string, magnetic fields and magnetic induction, as well as physical optics and geometry. Each set of experiments was carried out independently by the participants, which was preceded by a brief explanation,” explained Dr Sitti Yani.

According to one participant, this event was very cool and exciting. “Many new things were obtained, adding new insights and knowledge and increasingly interested in studying Physics,” she said. (**/Zul)

This news was originally published in IPB Today

Improving Science Literacy of High School Students, Physics Department of IPB University Holds Physics Class & Expo | IPB University