Academic Evaluations

Academic Evaluations

On April 21, 2024, the IPB Physics Department held a Stake Holders Gathering activity. This activity was attended by members of the Physics Department, alumni, active students, and graduate users from both industry and research institutions. This event began with remarks from the Head of the Department, followed by the Head of the Physics Study Program. In this activity, the results of the evaluation of academic activities during the odd semester (Fall 2023/2024) were presented. In the discussion session, various questions and feedback came from active students and alumni. Input from users regarding improving student soft skills also emerged in this activity. A summary of suggestions from stakeholders is provided below:

  1. It would be better if the information about the number of offline and online classes and their time is set at the beginning of the course contract, and not just random. (Suggestion by Pristy Nabila a 3rd year student).
  2. Sometimes, there is still some slight differences between one parallel class with other in terms of teaching materials, mostly due to the lecturer’s style of teaching. it would be helpful to establish uniform teaching materials. (Suggestion from Aariq Fajar Islam, 3rd year student).
  3. The communication between alumni, department, and current students should be increased to gain the full potential (Suggestion by Novri Satriawan, alumni from class 1998).
  4. It is very important to have Crowdfunding or endowment funds (Novri Satriawan, alumni from class 1998)
  5. There is still a problem of self-esteem (lack of confidence) with our graduates, especially during the job interview process. They need to be trained in soft skills. (Novri Satriawan, alumni from class 1998)
  6. The number of capstone project which involves the industrial sector (industrial internship) should be increased. (Novri Satriawan, alumni from class 1998).
  7. The department needs to develop a career and study support center for IPB Physics students
  8. The Physics curriculum must be able to adapt to current developments
  9. Instagram and other social media have to be more active and not just announce a physics talks webinar (Vanya, alumni of class 2018)
  10. The social media of the department, physics student organization (Himafi), and alumni must be interconnected with each other, so everybody can get the update of the department of physics. (Vanya, alumni of class 2018).

Follow Up of the Academic Evaluation Meeting

Based on the suggestions and recommendations from active students, alumni, industrial and research stakeholders, The Department of Physics of IPB University has taken some actions to ensure the Quality Assurance of Academic Quality and other Services by conducting Academic Evaluation and Workshops for Undergraduate Program (Bachelor in Physics), and Graduate Program (Master in Biophysics, and Doctoral in Physics). In this meeting, every course coordinator presents and reports the implementation of teaching and learning activities, learning outcomes achievement, distribution of grades, etc. which are summarized in the course portfolio document.

Workshop and Academic Evaluation of Undergraduate (Ba Physics) Program. July 4th 2024 at Papyrus Hotel, Bogor.