Physics Department FMIPA IPB University Wins Double Strike Superior Accreditation


Physics Department FMIPA IPB University Wins Double Strike Superior Accreditation


Physics Department FMIPA IPB University Wins Double Strike Superior Accreditation

[18 October 2021] The Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) IPB University succeeded in obtaining Superior Accreditation for its two study programs, namely the Undergraduate Program in Physics and the Postgraduate Program in Master of Biophysics. The “Superior” accreditation is obtained after meeting the 2020 BAN-PT regulation No. 1 concerning the BAN-PT Accreditation mechanism and exceeding the BAN-PT minimum standard for superior accreditation criteria.

“For the Physics Undergraduate Study Program, the Superior Accreditation Decree is listed in the Decree of BAN-PT No. 10593/SK/BAN-PT/AK-ISK/S/IX/2021 which is valid from 01 September 2021 to 03 June 2026. In the Master of Biophysics study, the conversion of Superior Accreditation was obtained through the Decree of BAN-PT No.10964/SK/BAN-PT/AK-ISK/M/IX/2021,” said Dr. Akhiruddin Maddu, Head of the Physics Department of IPB University.

According to him, this accreditation is very important and necessary to ensure the quality of the process, output, and program management studies. Management is derived from nine criteria. Namely vision, mission, goals, and strategies; governance, governance, and cooperation; student; human Resources; finance, facilities and infrastructure; education; study; community service; and the outcomes and achievements of the three dharma of higher education.

“As of September 1, 2021, the Bachelor of Physics at IPB University is listed as the third Undergraduate Physics Study Program in Indonesia to obtain Superior accreditation (after ITB and UI). The Physics Undergraduate Study Program is also the third at IPB University to obtain superior accreditation (after Agricultural and Biosystem Engineering study programs and Chemistry study programs),” he said.

As for the Master’s Program in Biophysics, added, as of September 21, 2021, it is the first Master’s Degree Study Program at IPB University whose accreditation has been converted to Superior. The achievement of this excellent accreditation is an achievement and public recognition of the performance of the Physics Department of IPB University in ensuring the quality of its multi-level graduates in taking part in the progress of the Indonesian nation.,” he said. (**/Zul) (IAAS/FAP)

This news has been previously published in IPB Today