Photonics and Laser Laboratory
The Laser and Photonics laboratory is one of the learning laboratories in the Physics department of IPB University, which focuses on demonstrating and exploring the optical and photonics phenomena and applications, which include topic laser-optical experiments such as Laser characterization, Fiber-optics characterization, Opto-electronics characterization, Solar Cell Characterization, Optical communication, Holography experiment, and optical Interference experiments.
The Laser and Photonics laboratory is equipped with Fiber-optic equipment, Laser-Optic Lab, Michelson Interferometer, Opto-electronics Characterization, Solar-Cell Characterization, Laser Communication Fiber-Optic communication, and Measuring Laser.
Personnel :
Head of Laboratory : Prof. Dr. Akhiruddin, S.Si., M.Si.
Technician : Rohul R. M. Hartman, S.Si. (rohulhartman[at]