Dr. Hendradi Hardhienata, M.Si.


Dr. Hendradi Hardhienata, M.Si.

Theoretical Physics Division

Dr. Hendradi Hardhienata, M.Si.

Division: Theoretical Physics

Email: hendradi[at]apps.ipb.ac.id


The electron-photon dances beautifully at the nanoscale. At large light intensities, nonlinear effects come into play, and the dance produces light with different wavelengths called harmonic generation. Together, Dr. Hardhienata`s research group tries to understand the mechanism behind this elegant dance – in particular – at the very surface of materials where the thickness is about one million times smaller than the width of our hair. If you are interested in revealing the secrets of this dance, he is interested in working out together and embracing a journey no one else has ventured.

Dr. Hardhienata is currently Assistant Professor and Head of the Theoretical Nano-Analytics Research Group (THEONA). He is also a visiting scientist at the CNRS-International NTU THALES Research Alliance (CINTRA) and  Univ. Gustave Eiffel CnAM in Paris. He obtained his Doctoral Degree from the University of Linz in Austria in the field of NLO.

Research Interest: Photonics, non-linear optics