Annisa Tsalsabila, S.Si., M.Si.


Annisa Tsalsabila, S.Si., M.Si.

Biophysics Division

Annisa Tsalsabila, S.Si., M.Si.

Division: Biophysics


Bachelor of Physics, IPB University
Master of Biophysics, IPB University

Email: annisatsa[at]


Annisa Tsalsabila completed her education in the Department of Physics, IPB University in 2018 following the fast-track program to complete her master’s in Biophysics in 2019. She has research experience in the field of nanomaterials, nanocomposite materials for supercapacitors, and ceramics materials for bone and teeth substitutes. She previously joined the research project about the gold nanoparticles capped by amino acids as a template for calcium phosphate growth. The outcomes of her research have been shown through her publications in journals and international conference proceedings.

Research interest: Biomaterials, Biomedical materials, Nanomaterials